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Write a Book That Does the Selling for You & Fills Your Calendar!

The problem wellness practitioners, Lightworkers and coaches have in building their businesses online is…. (Drumroll please…)

Success Stories


This Is For Your Offer

We weren’t taught how to get clients and market our businesses in wellness or energy or coaching school!!

And I still made every mistake under the sun! But.. I actually got pretty lucky and made $18,000 online in 2003 and then converted 80% of them into my $3000 program online… ONLINE!

I was there right along with you… 20 years ago. But I became successful very quickly online.. How? Because I grew up in a family retail business; I helped my first husband build up a multimillion dollar commodities business AND I ran my own business: a little wellness spa in Laguna California.

So when a colleague suggested I “bottle what I did and sell it”, I did. 

And over the years I had great success… until I didn’t; and then I had bigtime success again. And then I didn’t and it was a real roller coaster on and off for over a decade! Of course I had the added problem of having a number of family and friends pass away all within a few years of each other and I don’t handle grief very well. I mean it completely stopped me each time. But nevertheless, if I had so much trouble making every mistake under the sun before I finally became an overnight success after 20 years, then how hard has it been for others who weren’t lucky enough to have had some experience with growing a successful business.

I’ve helped a gazillion others build their businesses and get the same kind of success I had.

I’ve helped a gazillion others build their businesses and get the same kind of success I had. And in 20 years many many people were playing guru and teaching how to do this bright shiny thing or that shiny thing to build a Business online… and I was buying programs along with everyone else. But I soon discovered that although everything worked for some people some of the time, was it really something I needed? No. I spent hundreds of thousands of dollars in courses, programs, coaching from gurus teaching online marketing. And it all worked. It just didn’t all work for me. Why? Because I didn’t need Everything and I was learning it all out of order!

So fast forward to the past few years

and I’m watching my brothers and sisters in online business building and I’m still seeing wellness, energy work and coaching schools are NOT really teaching how to get clients and actually grow a profitable online wellness, energy work or coaching business.

So I figured, I’d do it. So I did. I created…. Wait for it… A complete marketing platform in a box! It used to be that people need to have some form of contact with you at least three times before they would buy.

it got more crowded online and we needed to have 5-7 points of contact…

A few years went by and then the last few very difficult years, and people got more skeptical, more savvy and needed 15-20 points of contact before they will buy from you online and yet… more people are buying more things online now than at any other time since the internet first started!

How I made my success initially was because I became an International Best Selling Author; I got cited on several popular media sources (ABC, NBC, CBS and FOX); I created a program that I could deliver online; and I got on a summit (back then it was called a Tele summit).

I built know, like and trust because my audience was borrowed from the host who they already knew, liked and trusted…

I got social proof through the media citations; … and I could deliver my program/service online very quickly. And at the time a tele summit was a way of binging on replays of speaker interviews where you could get a taste of them in the interview; you could download a free or inexpensive sample or gift; and you could then purchase a full meal deal program where you got more contact with the expert who had been interviewed.

Twenty years later and the internet has changed as it does all the time. 

Summits are still popular but who has time to binge all day for days in a row listening to dozens to hundreds of experts! Summits today say that people can watch the replays evergreen when they pay for them (like $197 and sometimes more!) But really most people never really ever get to bingeing on them. They either get stored in their computers or its delivered on a thumb drive (memory stick) that gets tossed into a drawer and forgotten But people still binge-watch tv. And they binge-watch tv a lot. a lot a lot. A lot!

Pretty Published Powerful and Profitable was born!

Since my career began others have come to me saying they wanted me to teach them to have the same success I got… so… I got to thinking. What if I created the same type of method that got me my initial success so that my brother and sister wellness practitioners, energy workers, and coaches could enjoy having lots of clients without sleazy selling and in an informal and fun way.

(That was 2013 and it worked; it works but that summit platform still doesn’t give more than about two weeks of replaying before people forget about it.)

How could I improve it?

I thought about when I was a kid and did tv shows and tv commercials. People loved watched reruns. And nowadays people love binge-watching entire weekends of their favorite shows. And with people having spent a couple of years unable to get out much, a lot of people are looking for a different way to earn a living.

Many got used to working remotely but recognized that they were building their boss’s dreams and not their own. So many people have been force to “pivot”. To find a different way to do their own businesses or their jobs; or they couldn’t do their jobs at all and looked for something completely different that they could do online where they didn’t need to leave home to earn a living.

I recognized this and saw my brothers and sisters in wellness struggling with great programs but hard to find clients.

    There are so many ways to connect with a touch your ideal clients with

  • A syndicated tv show;

  • Ads;

  • Your own tv commercial;

  • Magazine ads;

  • Archived on websites;

  • In replays syndications;

  • That means you get media citations (as seen on these tv shows);

  • With magazine covers;

  • Your articles;

  • Dozens of done for you social media postings;

  • Even how to quickly write a book that actually markets you and you can become a best seller!

…all wrapped into one container where your freebies and offers are hyperlinked everywhere and you yourself are talking, being interviewed and recorded appears everywhere…

  • Suddenly you could be a household name! 

    You are recognized everywhere and you build up a big list quickly. And not just a bunch of tire-kickers but highly targeted people who want exactly what you have to offer.

    You are going to have to create these things eventually anyway… but marketing just isn’t your thing (and neither is selling!) so we can’t create your business for you but… we can do the marketing for you. Completely! (You will help us post everything on social media though right?)

    It's pay-to-play and so worth it.

    This Vibe It Up! TV/magazine/membership portal has been created to give wellness and lightworker practitioners as well as coaches and other online business builders a place to 'touch' their ideal audience many many many times to grow your Know-Like- Trust factor intensely fast!

    Place your online offer/programs and build Credibility and Instant Authority saying "as seen on TV" and being a published author in yet another incredible professionally created magazine on the Apple Store.

    The perfect “digital marketing platform in a box” at your finger tips. And the marketing is all done for you except for the bragging rights!

    And if you don't yet have the program you desire, Dr Lexis is a business consultant and coach to help you create it in short order.

    You can literally create your program, write your book or even one chapter, plus a year's worth of social media posts that your VA can place in an autoresponder one-day-monthly saving you time & money.

    This saves you from overwhelm and keeps you from being the sleazy salesperson!

    Many touches to your audience builds your client list and gets you ideal clients wanting what you offer and so they pick you and demand your attention as they wave their credit cards under your nose, saying "pick me! work with me!”

    Isn't that what you want for your online biz freeing you up to do the part your most passionate about: delivering your passions!

    If you’re wondering if you are in that place where its time for some major ‘Write a Book That Books You Full of Paying Clients’ Readiness quiz then take the Vibe It Up! ‘Write a Book That Books You Full of Paying Clients’ Readiness quiz in a Box Readiness Assessment

    And if you absolutely know you’re ready, take the Vibe It Up! ‘Write a Book That Books You Full of Paying Clients’ Readiness quiz in a Box Readiness Assessment any way just for fun… It IS fun… And learn what your next steps are.

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